Difference between SEO for Google and SEO for Bing & Yahoo

SEO for Google vs Bing or Yahoo

The significant difference between Google with Bing and Yahoo is their quantity of search generation. Google always dominated the market without any doubt, but Bing and Yahoo could only satisfy a few segment and region of the population. Google generates almost 80% or more than that search worldwide leaving rest for the rest of the search engines. But in US Bing and Yahoo still has some market share due to device connected search engines and many other reasons.

Yahoo Chief said when it got sold what wrong we did? The biggest mistake was not taking the user’s interest as a factor to bring changes in the search engine and never thinking any other search engine can come to counter them.

Why such a fall happened when one day Yahoo used to be the only search engine and rivalled by only Bing:

1. Fall in quality of search
2. Fall in the user’s interest
3. Fall in regular usage
4. Fall in device connected searches
5. Internet Explorer losing its prime position as a browser
6. Less and less number of good connected service or applications
7. No mobile base to support the search as Android
8. Lack of interest in those companies to build quality and increase the presence
9. Failure of a lot of connected products
10. End of one era and the start of new

Now let’s see how these search engines are different.

1. Google has a better quality search output on all it’s keyword searches.
1. Bing has a less qualitative search output in all its keyword searches.

2. Google worked hard to build a semantic search using machine learning and artificial intelligence like RankBrain.
2. Bing and Yahoo both just focused on keywords presence to rank URLs.

3. Using contextual clues Google find out what you are searching.
3. Using the local result, Bing comes with some other indicative results on the right side.

4. Google left the era of Exact Matching Keywords in Domain, URL or content bringing comprehensive results.
4. Bing and Yahoo both follow Keyword match as a result with a far more less overall result.

5. Google left the Meta Keyword as a ranking signal.
5. Bing and Yahoo still have it as a good ranking signal.

6. Google uses quality factors such as Page Rank or Domain Authority or Page Authority to judge backlinks.
6. Bing find the backlinking domain age and extension with the number of backlinks.

7. Google doesn’t use social signals as a ranking factor.
7. Bing, on the other hand, uses social signals as a ranking factor.

8. Google relies on text to understand multimedia content like image, video and audio and the Text comes using HTML input.
8. Bing has a better understanding of direct multimedia files, and as such it doesn’t solely depend on text inputs.

9. Google used to crawl, understand and list all your pages.
9. Bing show interest on your prominent pages only.

10. Google doesn’t have any crawl control feature.
10. Bing has a crawl control feature.


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