How to Know SEO Firm is Helping or Hurting You, days needed to get rank

Let’s start with an SEO Ranking Analysis, Search Optimization Proof 500+ Keywords ranked for Doman What is Digital Marketing.

Now we need to understand few things, and they are critical to rank your site in search engine and hold the ranking for top pages. We have already ranked hundreds of sites, and with the same experience I will discuss the topic,

1. what you should do to rank your website?

a. Build a responsive site. Check whether your site is responsive in all screen sizes or not.
b. It’s easy to test the mobile responsive web pages in Mozilla Firefox just use Keyboard command: Ctrl+Shift+M.
c. Then next thing you need to is adding a blog if your main site is not dynamic.
d. Try to keep a place in your site in WordPress CMS. It’s very easy to optimise WordPress websites than custom CMS sites.
e. Small sites should be made in light WordPress themes so you can easily rank your site.
f. Start putting in content that will explain you and your work.
g. Content should be well planned to earn subscriber’s and then capitalise from the set of customers.
h. Plan On Page SEO with every page as Ranking of pages depend on page factors more than domain level effect.

2. What should you not do to lose rank in search engine?

a. Having an outdated website that is neither mobile responsive nor updated with content and neither has any proper SEO implemented is a danger. You must correct it.
b. Stop sourcing pirated images or videos.
c. Never use copy paste content.
d. Never go with black hat SEO technique, they can destroy your website forever.

3. What are the best practices for ranking the website?

a. Implement proper SEO.
b. Apply copyright free image and video. You can use Creative Commons content to stay out of any problem.
c. Input good content.
d. Employ best practices for Social Media Optimization.
e. Don’t inflate rating, like or any other such thing manually.

4. What should be content marketing methodology?

a. Content marketing method must have a proper plan to respond to your readers.
b. Build more and more area’s of interest and write on them.
c. Write regularly for your site and post regular videos on your youtube channel.
d. Write for you infamous content platforms such as Quora, medium, LinkedIn pulse.
e. Build engaging Info-Graphics that not only explain the subject but attract the readers across the world.
f. Allow and encourage your readers to read and share your content.

5. Why don’t websites rank?

a. Website’s don’t get the ranking because of lack in implementing proper site structure to standard SEO.
b. The unresponsive site is a reason.
c. The unresponsive and old pattern of content can not help.
d. Lack of regular work or update also leaves your site low in the ranking.
e. SEO management companies, working with Black Hat SEO if work on your site will harm the site as Google know and track such people. Here even if you did nothing wrong, your site would be penalised.

6. Why sites lose ranking after getting it?

a. Mainly because of lack of update in content to other features.
b. Lack of regular social media interaction.
c. Overconfidence and mismanagement of SEO policy.
d. Bad to Black Hat SEO operators work on your site.
e. No to very less content marketing plan, giving it no importance.

7. Where Web admins become overconfident and leave work on SEO?

a. The main reason behind losing rank is web admins leaving the work on SEO, thinking it’s just setting up the Header SEO of pages and not a regular input of work. It harms the sites like toxic effect.
b. Web admins also don’t keep track of adverse or toxic link flow towards the site; this also hurts the site.

8. Why few site’s fail to get rank for a long time?

a. The reason is same as given above, less importance given to white hat SEO to regular work on the site.
b. Less priority is given to proper content marketing of the site.
c. Wrong website structure with no responsive structure.
d. Evil plan to implement SEO for on page and off the page.

9. Why few site’s don’t at all get search engine ranking?

a. Lack of knowledge in website management team to update and rank it at the very first place. If they would have it then hiring an SEO to regular content marketing plans are implemented and site get’s ranking.
b. Also here sometimes black start work from the beginning as SEO sourced from the unknown online site with less credibility hurt site’s long-term goal of achieving search engine ranking.

10. What are the other parallel instruments can be used to rank sites and get the lead?

a. Social media posting like survey, event, offer, Live video, text post, image, video anything.
b. Regular content marketing on site and off the main site.
c. Use of sites like Quora, Medium, Linkedin Pulse.
d. Using Youtube is important.

11. When SEO of a domain don’t work for long what you should do?

When it don’t work for long, you can either leave the website’s domain and work on a new site or continue, re-evaluate and re-implement the SEO to achieve the expected ranking. Check with these few tricks:

a. Check the domain in the and check it’s standing in a domain analytics. If you see domain purchased long back and used for any other item or purpose or reason and now you are using it for some other cause, the first thing to check:
I) Collect all pointing backlinks to the site.
II) Remove all backlinks to the site using Link Disavow tool of Google.
III) Build a strong social media standing and rebrand the site with your hashtags.
IV) Improve as many as possible content in your site.
V) If you see no change in the site’s behaviour in 6 months even after spending hundreds of hours of work, I think leaving such a domain is the best idea. I can assure you this will not repeat with every site. But try to buy the domain that is not purchased before for your site.

12. Is it a good idea to buy a new domain and work on it which has keyword’s in it?

Google’s EMD(Exact Matching Domain) Update affected many websites who use a keyword in the domain, but it’s easy to stay out of any such upgrade’s effect. The primary reason, if you keep and maintain all possible SEO features of the site according to the Google’s policy, then it will never impact your site. So, if you have to keep a keyword in website’s domain name, yes you can but try to stay away from any such thing by just having a website name that doesn’t have any keyword.

13. Working on an old domain is a right or wrong idea?

It’s best to buy a new domain name that is never purchased and work on it if you still want to buy an old domain, get this information:
I) Why is the current owner leaving the site?
II) Does Google ban the domain?
III) Are the DA and PA very low for the domain name?
IV) Do you see lots of bad links pointing the site?
If all above parameters come right, don’t buy.

14. Do https and other enhancements of Security features help in ranking?

No huge impact but yes you join an exclusive class of 1% website which has this feature. But this is no guarantee to rank it in search engines.

15. How far a Blog helps your site?

A blog is a place where you update the content and build more subscriber or readers for your site. If you don’t have any such place, you will lose the momentum on the site, and it can be very harmful to the site. As search engines depend on how much updating you are doing on your site, so ranking maintained and your competitive edge holds high. It proves Blogs are critical for any website.

16. Does Schema impact ranking today’s sites?

Yes, Schema is critical to help and push your local business ranking to web ranking. It’s an indicator of how many people like your content and how many dislike. It helps Search Engines to show to its users what is more important and what is less.

17. Does increasing Local Citation and Trust Flow help any website in SEO?

For local businesses, it’s mandatory, for global companies who don’t have any local presence possibly it’s not needed. But think in real terms which business don’t have any local presence, somewhere or other they have it. So local citation is very helpful in improving Google, and other search engines localised rank. Now trust flow grows by increasing natural organic traffic, it’s an indicator of positive health and improving site’s condition, you must try to increase trust flow as far as possible.

18. How much is it important to increase Alexa Rank or should one focus more on Domain Authority?

If you think more traffic builds Alexa rank so you will buy and manipulate the Alexa Rank then forget, your site may get banned. If you are increasing Alexa rank just from organic traffic and to increase it further writing more and more meaningful content or to input features that are growing traffic yes Alexa rank is an indicator of rising power or ranking. The gist we learn from it is that Alexa rank does not showcase SEO factor but DA and PA indicate the SEO. Domain Authority and Page Authority grows when you work on On Page SEO to Off Page SEO, other than that it will never increase pointing to the fact that DA and PA are better SEO indicator than Alexa rank.

19. How should one plan for the SEO from the day one, whether it is with an agency or in-house?

First finding, understanding and knowing the company you need to do the following:
a. Check existing credentials, projects and clients of the SEO agency.
b. Talk to them to understand whether they are genuine or fake.
c. How they report and what are report they have sent to their clients ask many of them. It will give you good scope to understand what they do.
d. What they feel about content marketing ask them.
e. What they do for link building ask them.
f. On any hint of black hat work don’t hire the company.
g. Use White Hat SEO that can help your site rank and grow. Never go with the Black hat.

20. How can you know which keyword to work and which keyword to rank?

To know and understand which keywords to know and optimise the best technique is to hire the best digital marketing company in Kolkata and use their technology to the knowledge to understand the best keywords for you.