Unraveling Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay per click or PPC as its popularly known as in internet marketing is a model where you (the advertiser) pay a given amount of money every time your ad is clicked. In ray man’s language, we can say that PPC is a way of buying traffic to your site. There are two main types of PPC: website and search engine advertising. In website advertising, your advert focuses on sites covering the same topic as your business.
For example, if you are promoting a digital marketing training, your ad will only appear on sites covering the digital marketing topic. Search engine advertising, on the other hand, involves placement of your ad on the search engine results when someone searches your target keyword. While search engine advertising isn’t as specific as website advertising, your ad is in the eyes of many people. For you to achieve success with PPC you need to set up a great PPC campaign.
PPC campaign
In your campaign, the most important factor that you need to pay close attention to is the keyword that you use. As mentioned above, your ad will appear depending on the keyword that you use. To avoid wasting money and time, choose a keyword that is relevant to your business. A relevant keyword not only ensures that your keyword appears when people search for your keyword, it also ensures that you have a high click-through rate, increased profits and effective cost per click.
The keyword that you use should also be exhaustive. This means that it should not only include the popular and most searched terms, it should also contain long tail keywords. These are keywords that are more specific but don’t have a lot of searches. Since they are specific, you have high chances of getting targetted customers. Since they don’t have a lot of searches, they aren’t very competitive thus they aren’t expensive.
In your campaign, you need to have a PPC advertising system. While there is a good number of them in the market, the best that you should use is Google Adwords. Once you have chosen your keyword, the system runs its metrics and determines whose ad is shown at the top. There are many factors that determine which keyword shows at the top but two of the most important factors are the bid amount and relevancy. Studies show that a bid that is more relevant but has a lower bid amount has higher chances of ranking high than another that isn’t relevant but has a high bid amount.
This means that when you are creating a campaign, you should pay a lot of emphasis on the relevancy of the keyword that you choose. To ensure that people stick to your site when they get there, create a quality landing page. A good quality landing page should be persuasive, relevant and a clear call-to-action.
Managing your PPC campaign
You won’t be successful in your campaign without a clear management system in place. One of the things that you should do is add keywords that are relevant to your business. It’s also recommended that you add negative keywords. These are terms that aren’t related to your business. Include them and indicate that you don’t want any content that includes them. The aim of these keywords is to improve relevancy and avoid unnecessary spending.
To create more targeted landing pages and ad text you should regularly undertake split tests. This is where you split up your ad groups into smaller groups and see what is converting better than the other. As rule of thumb, work with the most successful ad group. Through the tests, you will be able to know the best and worst performing keywords and ad texts. You should shut off under-performing keywords and ad texts.
The landing page that you use has a great impact on customer retention. You should regularly improve the landing page by regularly changing the content and call-to-action.
Tips on how to be successful with PPC
For you to be successful with PPC you need to consider a number of tips. These tips include:
Send your visitors only to a custom homepage: When people are visiting your site, they are looking for specific information. For example, if your ad says that you are selling iPhones, visitors coming to your site are interested in iPhones. Some people make the mistake of directing the visitors to their homepage. When you do this, you are giving the visitors another task to look around in order to find the product that they are interested in. People online have short attention spans thus most of them will leave your site as soon as they see that they can’t get what they are looking for.
To increase the conversion rate you should create customized landing pages for every product or service that you are providing. As mentioned above, have a clear call-to-action on the pages.
Have a clear budget: While pay per click is deemed cheap, it can cost you a lot of money if you aren’t strategic about your spending. One of the ways of ensuring that you spend your money wisely is making use of ad scheduling. This is where you make your ads available during the peak times. Another way is setting a maximum amount that you would like to spend after a given time. This can be daily or weekly. Once the maximum amount is reached, the ad switches itself off. This gives you time to analyze the campaign and tweak it to your liking.
Use matching landing pages: It’s not uncommon to find some people using landing pages that don’t match the ad. For example, you can find an ad about wedding dresses but the landing page is about summer dresses. Doing this, results to unnecessary money spending as people click on the ad but don’t make a purchase. You also tend to lose credibility which is paramount in business. To be on the safe side, always ensure that the ad and the landing pages match.
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