October 7, 2018

Top 10 Difference between Long Tail vs Generic Keywords

Long Tail vs Generic Keywords

Our comparison starts with long tail keywords.

  1. With three or more than three words long tail terms bring for us a challenge to rank and get traffic.
  2. Long Tail keywords generally targeted for web traffic. Due to their useful role in generating traffic these keywords used by marketers. It brings the scope to include many keywords in content. This process leads to the generation of targeted traffic from the targeted region.
  3. Once your website starts getting a high volume of traffic, you will see how it’s coming. For most of the sites, it’s from long tail keywords. Due to more top searches and more natural search ranking these keywords get preference.
  4. Generic keywords generally define the business while long tail defines the requirements. It’s the primary reason long tail keywords preferred than generic terms.
  5. Generic keywords come with high competition in comparison to the short tail keywords. And repeated use of these terms has less possibility. Increasing opportunity for all marketers and website owners.

Let’s see what are generic terms:

  1. Generic or short tail keywords comes with two words. They have targeted terms and means the only higher end of the business.
  2. The traffic opportunity in these keywords is not as good as the long tail ones. These keywords range from medium to high in competition. And long tail keywords vary between medium to low.
  3. Higher demand and increased competitiveness make ranking in these keywords difficult. And near impossible for many websites in many keywords.
  4. Shorter terms also don’t look natural creating difficulties while reading the content.

The Best Keywords: Long Tail or Generic?

  1. Long tail keywords are better traffic and achieving rank in search engines. Generic terms help mid to enterprise scale businesses to get proper connections.
  2. Generic names also control the higher amount of activity in many niches. Now I leave it to your need and capability to take a decision. But I would ask you to target short tail terms if you are starting or even a mid-scale business.
  3. Short tail keywords can bring lots of business if your planning for SEO is correct. You should also target region specific and need specific shorter terms. So, they can better connect your business with the buyers.
  4. Given my website, what is digital marketing’s primary traffic source is from long tail terms. To conclude the best keywords – long tail or generic – the answer is long tail keywords. Many benefits make it a winner.
  5. While working with many website owners in past one decade, this is my take out. More keywords you find and target from the niche its better. Generic terms can also restrict your targeting to fewer words. It can limit your marketing in any niche or category.
  6. To achieve more sale even bigger websites, create content in many keywords. The concept of blogging and the content-rich site came from this. If you are targeting ten times keywords from your competitors in the long tail, you will get more business.

While even if your competitor ranks high in generic terms and has less rank in lots of keywords, it will be a hurdle. You can never say you will get less business even after ranking high in more keywords. Based on these analyses take a wise decision and get back to us with your result.

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