September 22, 2018

How to rank number one in Google with White Hat SEO

How to rank number one in Google in the first position

Today, we will study unusual cases of many websites that reached #1 ranking through highly effective White Hat techniques. Here we will show step by step how a website can not only reach higher ranking through the strategic use of White Hat strategies but also leverage the improved ranking to improve the revenue inflow to the website significantly. We are going to share critical and secret SEO techniques used by many to get a fantastic result.

How Extensive Ideas used the latest skyscraper technique to get #1 ranking and thousands of Impression with thousands of page views building a revenue stream for us.

Many of our content posted on our website quickly achieved number one position. It was not a fluke but the result of a well-choreographed email outreach program that allowed many websites to reach a page view of the astonishing figure in a brief period.

This smart strategy on the part of “What is Digital Marketing” also leads to hundreds of social shares and several tweets and peeps from the followers. (Including Tweets from peeps with thousands of followers):

Moreover, most important of all, this strategy also helped many site owners gain scores of high-quality backlinks.

Still, we have only discussed a small part of what planned and executed to improve the ranking. While the Page views, shares and tweets are necessary but what is the long-term ROI? If we count the days when many of our content first came to our site, we found that it has crossed an average of one year, but still, now the post is trending and continuously generating leads, sales and traffic. How?

An effective SEO can only give us results to this day.

The new backlinks used on the website boosted site’s search engine ranking to number #1 spot with our target keyword. The #1 ranking along with added traffic from the social media brings in thousands of Pageviews per month without any break. One positive benefit of high-quality organic traffic is that it attracts many visitors and converts many of them into a lead.  The amazing part of this guide is that it helped us to enhance organic traffic to our homepage by an astounding amount. The most significant advantage of the boost in traffic is that it leads to a massive spike in the revenue stream.

How can someone turn an average blog into such a money-spinning one?

Well, earlier, while posting content under general topics such as five steps to achieve or 10 rules to achieve, the website was not able to make any headway in improving upon the ranking of the website. However, when it changed its strategy from scattershot to skyscraper, the results began to show.

Here we will try to dissect the skyscraper strategy we followed to gain such a massive growth in traffic and revenue.

Step #0: Look for an Awesome Keyword

The first thing that we focused on is centralising efforts on the keyword search. We discovered that the keywords that we are using for our product are not very popular among people. In other words, people were not using the keywords in high volume to search for the item that the company was selling which is ‘evening snacks’.

Google AdWords showed that only 100 searches per month done for the keyword “evening snacks” that the company was using earlier.

Digging a bit deep into the keyword search, we discovered that those people who are interested in healthy evening snacks were also looking at the broad topic: “family wellness”.
Now, when the “family wellness” was searched through the Google Keywords Planner, they found a new keyword that has a high volume of usage – Wellness program ideas.

While researching the keyword even further, we found that not only it was searched for each day on the Internet by a high volume of people, but it has a vast number of AdWords ads is running on it.

It confirmed the view that the people searching for this keyword were serious buyers. While Google Keywords planner is great, other similar programs also help:
1. Ahrefs
2. Bing Keywords Search
3. Keyword Shitter
4. AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator
5. Answer the Public

Step #1: Now look for A content that is relatable for that keyword

once the perfect keyword gets discovered the next thing that one should focus on is finding what sort of competition is out there that one has to overcome.

Now to find out more about the competition, one can take the help of Google search and see what result it is giving. When search in Google similar sounding keywords like “employee wellness program ideas”, “wellness programs” and “corporate wellness programs”, you will get a host of websites that use these keywords.
These websites also have flaws when looked deep inside them.

• Several of them were in PDF format which is not very user-friendly
• Most of the websites on the first page did not have exciting pictures or videos to make the subject exciting
• Many meaty details were left out in these posts

Once the flaws of a website discovered using similar keywords, the next step is to make posts better than them.

Step #2: Create Something that would better the existing competitors and become number one.

When one studies the strategy of those websites that stay on the top of the ranking we have seen that the two significant things that website owners do on their website are:
• Posting something that is of such high quality and different from others that it deserves to rank #1
• Advertise that content intensively

How to know which content deserves to be the best?

For this, we decided to do a series of things, the first among them was to provide lots more content of high quality related to the keyword. For example, if competitors have 10 or 12 ideas, then SEO experts would try to provide 50+ ideas. To get these ideas, SEO experts do a right amount of research, brainstorm with experts and also seek answers from other places (feedback from the clients).

After these large number of ideas collated from different sources, the next part is to categories them into different sections, so that it becomes easy for the viewer to look for the one that likes the most. The one advantage of breaking the ideas into different categories is that it allowed people to skim the content. It also allowed the website get high rank in Google that improves the CTR resulting in better traffic:

As discussed earlier, the competitors’ website did not have any images or videos, so the SEO experts post beautiful pictures related to the subject matter with videos. To make the posts more engaging and exciting, the experts focused on putting rich contents that would make the people more attracted towards them.

Step #3: Promote Unique Content

Promoting a website is much more than just posting high-quality content. At present more than 2 million blogs are published every day and if someone wants his content to stay ahead in the race than focusing on effective promotional tactics is the only way out.

Here we will share the six most effective promotional tactics that anyone should follow.

1. Use Pre-outreach approach with the influencers

It is one of the smartest ways to promote website even before one published the contents online. What it includes is approaching bloggers who share similar content and asked them to share content that is similar to the subject which they focus on their blog. Because we are not asking for backlink positive feedback is expected in most of the cases. It leads to an excellent contextual connection and backlink.

2. Generate a buzz by using connections from work and friend circle

One can use personal contacts and employees to generate a buzz around a post. As these links are directly related to the marketing team, these we can call weak links. If one carefully go through the contact list he or she can find scores of people who already have LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts are willing to share links to posts. It will give post an initial boost in the share and view category which will attract further traffic.

3. Use the High-Value Content to earn quality backlinks

In this strategy, one should look at all the high-quality contents that are related to a subject which has a wide following. So when one finds some of these fantastic high-quality contents then directly contact the author through email. In a few cases, they will write back to send them a good quality article, and that is the scope one needs to earn a high-value backlink.

4. Use the brands to promote a post

One can reach out to those brands who refer to any website’s content those website’s owners can then reach to those brands and ask to promote one of the referring sits other content. The companies will be naturally thrilled to have this free advertising of their brand and are likely to respond positively.

5. Contact the expert contributors asking to write or share a content

When a post in any website goes live, the website owner should contact all the experts to let them know that they all featured in the new post. The experts on their turn will be more than happy to share the post and also recommended it to their contacts.

6. In the last step contact those people that linked to the content found in the number one position.

After getting the requisite buzz for content in the social media, the last step that one can take is to build backlinks. For this take few of the following steps:

1) Create a list of top 20 ranked url from Google.
2) Find the backlinks of those url and sites.
3) Now after building a link database start the email outreach campaign to those linking sites and start building relationships and gradually earning a backlink from many of them.

Generate leads with new contents. After the content ranks at number one position add a gift like an eBook. It will increase the rate of subscribers. Further, if the readers keep getting new gifts, the movement will continue, and retention of subscribers will also be there.

What to Do Next to improve traffic to any website?

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